Relationship With God

Relationship With God

What could possibly be better, more life-giving, and more difference-making than a great relationship with God?

You’ve always wanted a great relationship with God, right? Think about this… God has the mind-boggling power to create and run a universe so big we simply cannot comprehend it. He is so smart that He has developed significant plans for every person who has ever lived and has already provided everything needed to fulfill those plans.

He is so full of perfect love, that everything He thinks and does flows out of that nature. Everything God thinks, says, and does is perfect love.

He is the most joyful Person in existence. He is literally overflowing with life and excitement over you, me, and all He has planned for us.

The Bible says that in God’s presence there is the highest measure of joy possible. In His presence faith soars, the impossible becomes possible, we are transformed, empowered, and filled with more and more of the very nature He Himself has. (Psalm 16:11, Romans 4:17, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Peter 1:3-4)

What could possibly be better, more life-giving, and more difference-making than a great relationship with God?

You’ve always wanted a great relationship with God, right? Think about this… God has the mind-boggling power to create and run a universe so big we simply cannot comprehend it. He is so smart that He has developed significant plans for every person who has ever lived and has already provided everything needed to fulfill those plans.

He is so full of perfect love, that everything He thinks and does flows out of that nature. Everything God thinks, says, and does is perfect love.

He is the most joyful Person in existence. He is literally overflowing with life and excitement over you, me, and all He has planned for us.

The Bible says that in God’s presence there is the highest measure of joy possible. In His presence faith soars, the impossible becomes possible, we are transformed, empowered, and filled with more and more of the very nature He Himself has. (Psalm 16:11, Romans 4:17, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Peter 1:3-4)

This beautiful, perfect God desires not only to have a relationship with you; but to have a GREAT relationship with YOU!

It is understandable that we would want to connect deeply and joyfully with Him, right? It is a total win for us. But the Bible makes clear that He desires a love-filled relationship with us: you and me. From the very beginning, this has ALWAYS been God’s longing.

Not because He is needy or incomplete but because He is love and love gives. More than we know; He wants to share His love and life with us. A major theme of the entire Bible is that this amazing Creator God has made this relationship possible.

Because of Jesus you and I can increasingly know, interact, be filled, transformed, and carry in us the nature of Jesus Himself. This is God’s design for you! It really is better than anything you could come up with in your wildest dreams

This beautiful, perfect God desires not only to have a relationship with you; but to have a GREAT relationship with YOU!

It is understandable that we would want to connect deeply and joyfully with Him, right? It is a total win for us. But the Bible makes clear that He desires a love-filled relationship with us: you and me. From the very beginning, this has ALWAYS been God’s longing.

Not because He is needy or incomplete but because He is love and love gives. More than we know; He wants to share His love and life with us. A major theme of the entire Bible is that this amazing Creator God has made this relationship possible.

Because of Jesus you and I can increasingly know, interact, be filled, transformed, and carry in us the nature of Jesus Himself. This is God’s design for you! It really is better than anything you could come up with in your wildest dreams

Why isn’t that relationship with God my reality?

You may just be beginning your God journey or you may have been a believer for years. Either way, after decades of following Jesus personally and teaching, coaching, and mentoring thousands of people I have seen that many sincere people do not experience real, abundant life with God. For far too many, prayer and Bible reading are not a delight they are discipline at best and drudgery at worst. What makes it even more frustrating is that when this reality is expressed, often the advice they are given is to “pray more and read the Bible more.”

The very things that are frustrating, boring, or even dreaded are given as the antidote to a dull God relationship.

Pray and Scripture will always be the foundational means of connecting with a real but invisible God. But HOW you pray and interact with Scripture are difference makers in whether it is boring or enjoyable, dull or energizing, dread or delight. And, the Word and prayer are not the only ways to build a great relationship with Jesus. In fact, those wonderful, essential ways of experiencing God ONLY become life-giving when tied to other truths, realities, and actions.

Why isn’t that relationship with God my reality?

You may just be beginning your God journey or you may have been a believer for years. Either way, after decades of following Jesus personally and teaching, coaching, and mentoring thousands of people I have seen that many sincere people do not experience real, abundant life with God. For far too many, prayer and Bible reading are not a delight they are discipline at best and drudgery at worst. What makes it even more frustrating is that when this reality is expressed, often the advice they are given is to “pray more and read the Bible more.”

The very things that are frustrating, boring, or even dreaded are given as the antidote to a dull God relationship.

Pray and Scripture will always be the foundational means of connecting with a real but invisible God. But HOW you pray and interact with Scripture are difference makers in whether it is boring or enjoyable, dull or energizing, dread or delight. And, the Word and prayer are not the only ways to build a great relationship with Jesus. In fact, those wonderful, essential ways of experiencing God ONLY become life-giving when tied to other truths, realities, and actions.

Key Catalysts for a great relationship with God

Please hear me, I in no way claim to have arrived in experiencing and being transformed by God. I have so many areas of my life that still need major renovation. I do not have all knowledge of God or what He is like. Neither does anyone else. God is so big and so deep that He Himself is a never-ending adventure. There is always something fresh and new in Him and His kingdom.

I have, however, been around the block enough times and worked with a large, varied group of people in a variety of settings to learn some key principles. There are some doable and powerful truths you can learn to develop an ongoing, life-giving relationship with Him.

There are catalysts to knowing and enjoying Him more. Things like:

  • How to deal with the #1 barrier to God (it does have to do with sin, but in a way you may not have yet seen)

  • The three main ways God does anything (including interacting with us)

  • How to experience God through the Bible

  • How to walk with and be filled with the Holy Spirit continually

  • Experiencing God through others and creation

  • The foundational practices you can use to experience God and personal transformation

  • The #1 insight God wants to give you that opens up everything else

  • What to do when you get alone with God

  • Understanding God’s seasons in your life

  • How to recognize God’s voice

  • The most common sub-barriers to God and how to defeat them

There is nothing better, more powerful, more energizing, and enjoyable than an authentic relationship with God. He wants it, you were designed for it, and God has opened the door wide through the death and resurrection of Jesus. I would love to have you join me on this incredible journey of increasingly, continually developing a wonderful relationship with this full of wonder God.

Key Catalysts for a great relationship with God

Please hear me, I in no way claim to have arrived in experiencing and being transformed by God. I have so many areas of my life that still need major renovation. I do not have all knowledge of God or what He is like. Neither does anyone else. God is so big and so deep that He Himself is a never-ending adventure. There is always something fresh and new in Him and His kingdom.

I have, however, been around the block enough times and worked with a large, varied group of people in a variety of settings to learn some key principles. There are some doable and powerful truths you can learn to develop an ongoing, life-giving relationship with Him.

There are catalysts to knowing and enjoying Him more. Things like:

  • How to deal with the #1 barrier to God (it does have to do with sin, but in a way you may not have yet seen)

  • The three main ways God does anything (including interacting with us)

  • How to experience God through the Bible

  • How to walk with and be filled with the Holy Spirit continually

  • Experiencing God through others and creation

  • The foundational practices you can use to experience God and personal transformation

  • The #1 insight God wants to give you that opens up everything else

  • What to do when you get alone with God

  • Understanding God’s seasons in your life

  • How to recognize God’s voice

  • The most common sub-barriers to God and how to defeat them

There is nothing better, more powerful, more energizing, and enjoyable than an authentic relationship with God. He wants it, you were designed for it, and God has opened the door wide through the death and resurrection of Jesus. I would love to have you join me on this incredible journey of increasingly, continually developing a wonderful relationship with this full of wonder God.

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